We are an Innovation and

Development Center

that contains a Think Tank and a Laboratory to devise, conceive, experiment and develop Blockchain initiatives that propose and solve real problems that provide a benefit for society and generate value, through of an open, collaborative and multidisciplinary approach.



We build a HUB, Academy and Distributed Innovation Platform to experiment with technologies, develop capacities and execute projects in a creative learning environment for innovative initiatives; We also connect with global communities of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Explorador Rutanio
Brand Rutanio organization

Our initial project is the creation of a Minimum Viable Economy through the Innovation Token, which will allow and facilitate, in both public and private sectors, the exchange of services, support benefit systems, eliminate friction in transactions and generate value in the knowledge and innovation economy.

Circle shape gray


Brand Ruta N

Public Innovation Agency and Innovation and business center in the city of Medellín.

andi-futuro link

ANDI (National Business Association of Colombia)

Brand Open Exo

The Global Exo Transformation ecosystem building exponential organizations.

Brand Fluid Chains

Sustainable and high-impact blockchain businesses using the principles of exponential organizations.

linku-ventures link

Connect a new community of investors with ventures and startups with high potential for growth and sustainable impact.